What's On My iPhone //October 2017


Before we get started, my blogger has been acting up lately so I decided to move all my stuff onto Wordpress so in case this continues to glitch and not work for you just head on over to my Wordpress: www.thezeffectblog.wordpress.com . I will still continue to post on here and on my Wordpress!

I absolutely love watching 'What's On My iPhone' videos on YouTube so I decided to make one of my own, blog version.

Firstly, the phone that I have is the iPhone 6s Plus, 128GB of space and in the the 'Rose Gold' colour.

I own a few iPhone cases (way less than the amount I did for my previous phone) but I might share those in a different blog post.

When you first 'raise to wake' my phone, you are met with my beautiful wallpapers that is bright yellow (my recent obsession) that has the words 'See You Soon' written at the top. To be honest, it reminded me of the part in the movie 'Coraline' (probably my favourite movie ever) where the other mother/Beldam creepily sings 'See You Soon' as Coraline drifts asleep. My home screen wallpaper is just a simple yellow wallpaper that matches my lockscreen wallpaper yellow (because it's from the same image shh).

At the bottom bar, the four apps that I have are the basic Phone, Messages, Safari and Music. I only have one page (currently) as I like my apps on one page in front of me but realistically, I change the layout of my phone like every two weeks because I get sick of it being the same way. Why am I so weird?

The first eleven apps on my phone from the top are the basic ones that come on your phone from Apple that I use which are: Settings, Calender, Photos, Camera, Clock, App Store, iTunes Store, Notes, Calculator and Health. I also have the Yahoo Weather app between the App and iTunes store too because I think it's more accurate than the other weather apps; it also comes in handy when I travel.

Next to that I have a 'Productivity' folder where all of the other Apple apps live on my phone. The next set of folder have all the interesting stuff.

The first folder is titled 'Social' holds: Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Whatsapp, Houseparty, Skype, We Heart It, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Polyvore and Bloglovin. The apps that I use the most from this folder and in general on my phone are the first four. I cannot share my other social profiles but I do have an Instagram account for my blog which you can follow!

My next folder is titled 'Entertainment' and it holds: Netflix, YouTube, Buzzfeed, IMDb, Zomato, Shazam and Goodreads. I prefer watching Netflix on the laptop or the TV but I have it on my phone in case I don't have my other gadgets around me. YouTube, I also prefer using it on my laptop but again it's there if I need it.

The next folder is titled 'X' and it holds: Gmail, Outlook, A link to my blogger blog, A link to my wordpress blog, Google Maps and maps.me, Wordpress. I usually don''t reach for this folder much but when I do, it's usually towards Gmail.

The next folder is titled 'Photo & Video' and it holds: VSCO Cam, Afterlight*, Glitche*, Aviary, Phonto, PicsArt, papelook, Flipagram and Ditty. The app that I use to edit my pictures is VSCO Cam so I reach for it the post. I love using Afterlight and Glitche too to edit my pictures. An app worth mentioning that I find entertaining is 'Ditty'. You can type any sentence or word and it makes a singing video out of it (its sings the word/sentence).

The next folder is titled 'Games' and it holds: Temple Run 2, Fruit Ninja, Jetpack Joyride, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, My Boo, 8 Ball Pool, Happy Wheels, Faby Bird, Subway Surfers, Spyfall and Quizup. I usually don't play games on my phone but I have quite a few for when I don't have wifi and need something to do. Out of all these games, I'd say I play Fruit Ninja and 8 Ball Pool the most.

The last folder is titled '+' and it holds: Edmodo, Photomath (only to check the answers but I don't really use it anymore), Dropbox, Repostly and Bitmoji. I don't really open this folder but if I do then it is to check my homework on Edmodo.

I hope you enojyed this blog post! I just love watching these videos on YouTube so I just had to do this on my blog.

What are your favourite apps on your phone?

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The Z Effect


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